Over the past several years, distracted driving has been one of the leading causes of car accidents throughout the United States.
Using a phone while driving is the most prevalent distracted driving activity that motorists engage in, but there are also other ways in which drivers are distracted such as eating or drinking, grooming themselves, and using entertainment systems. Reach out to a car accident lawyer.
If you are texting and driving down the highway at 55 mph, that’s like traveling the length of a football field with your eyes closed. You can only drive safely when your full attention is on the road. Any activity that isn’t related to driving is a potential distraction and increases your risk of a collision.
Distracted driving accidents are always preventable. Driving can become mundane at times, but it’s important to distract yourself safely so that no one gets hurt. For example, listening to podcasts or music so that your primary focus is on driving.
If you are a parent, it is critical that you avoid distracted driving at all times, but especially in front of your children. Children will pick up on your actions much quicker than your words.

It’s important to practice safe habits behind the wheel. You want to make sure that your passengers know how serious you are about driving without distractions. One of the most effective ways to lead is through example. Be a good example for your friends and family by avoiding driving while you’re distracted. Reach out to a personal injury lawyer.
Buckle up, drive safely, and as always, your referrals are appreciated! 256-764-0112