Some injury cases can and should be handled without an attorney. Here are some free tips for handling an automobile accident case.
Let’s begin at the end. How much money do you get to keep? Make certain that you know and confirm that amount. If you settle for $5,000, but your hospital bill is $4,900, then you only keep $100.00. Understand what your compensation for your injury is.
You will need:
1. The accident report;
2. Medical bills;
3. Proof of who paid the bills, i.e., Blue Cross, Medicare, Tricare, or that they have not been paid.
4. Proof of lost wages.

You will also need some patience. Do not take the first offer. Think about it overnight. Different insurance companies make different kinds of offers. Some are fairer than others, but not a single one will make their best offer first. If you have more treatment than just an ER visit, a good personal injury attorney can do all the work and make you money.
We get a large number of cases from people who refuse to sign medical authorizations issued by the insurance company. If we take the case, we review the medical records for accuracy before we send them to the person evaluating the claim.
With property damage claims the value of the car is what it is. It doesn’t matter what you paid for the vehicle or how much you owe. One of the things that we hear often is that the replacement value is not adequate and now a person has a car payment that they didn’t have before. Please note that if you had to replace the engine or transmission and you have those receipts it could add value to the vehicle.

If your vehicle is a total loss, make sure you have the title to the vehicle. If you still owe for the vehicle, make sure you have the lien holder’s information as well as the amount of the payoff.
I think we all see people driving as if they are alone on the road. The best tip is to drive defensively. Reach out to a personal injury lawyer.
Buckle up, drive safely and as always, your referrals are appreciated!