Water Contamination in Alabama

September 4, 2024

By Thomas McCutcheon

Water Contamination in Alabama

What's wrong with our local water?

Water contamination by PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) has been a significant concern in Decatur, Alabama, due to the proximity of industrial facilities that have used these chemicals for decades. PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals” because they do not break down easily in the environment, have been linked to several health problems, including cancer, liver damage, and immune system disorders. In Decatur, the contamination of the Tennessee River, which serves as a drinking water source for the area, has raised alarms among residents and environmental groups. Local industries, particularly those involved in the production of non-stick coatings, firefighting foams, and other products, have been identified as major contributors to PFAS contamination. Despite efforts to address the issue, recent studies have shown that PFAS levels in the water supply remain higher than the EPA’s recommended safety thresholds.

The presence of PFAS in Decatur’s water supply has led to legal actions, public outcry, and increased scrutiny from environmental organizations and regulators. The West Morgan-East Lawrence Water Authority, serving the surrounding communities, has had to invest heavily in filtration systems to reduce PFAS levels and provide safer drinking water. However, many residents remain concerned about the long-term impacts on their health and property values. In response, there have been calls for more stringent regulations and cleanup efforts to mitigate the damage caused by decades of unchecked chemical disposal. Community advocacy groups continue to push for accountability from both the government and the companies responsible for the contamination, seeking a comprehensive solution that ensures clean and safe water for all Decatur residents.

Water Contamination Lawsuits

Ongoing lawsuits regarding PFAS-contaminated water in Alabama are focused on holding chemical manufacturers and industrial facilities accountable for the widespread pollution affecting communities near Decatur. These legal actions, which involve both individual plaintiffs and class action suits, allege that companies like 3M and Daikin knowingly released harmful PFAS chemicals into the Tennessee River and local waterways, contaminating the drinking water supply. Residents from Decatur and nearby towns such as Hartselle, Moulton, and Trinity have reported health problems they believe are linked to prolonged exposure to PFAS. The lawsuits seek compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and other losses, as well as funding for long-term water filtration systems and environmental cleanup efforts.

In addition to individual lawsuits, local water authorities, like the West Morgan-East Lawrence Water Authority, have also taken legal action against polluters, seeking to recover costs associated with removing PFAS from the water supply. These cases have drawn national attention as they raise questions about corporate responsibility and the need for stricter regulations to prevent future contamination. Communities in North Alabama are rallying for transparency, remediation, and justice as they continue to grapple with the consequences of PFAS contamination. The legal battles are ongoing, with plaintiffs arguing for the accountability of those responsible for endangering public health and safety.

What Health Effects Can Exposure to PFAS Cause?

These injuries vary in severity but are all associated with exposure to PFAS-contaminated water.

  • Cancer: (kidney, testicular, liver, pancreatic)
  • Liver Damage: (including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
  • Thyroid Disease: (such as hypothyroidism)
  • Immune System Disorders: (weakened immune response and increased susceptibility to infections)
  • Reproductive and Developmental Issues: (infertility, pregnancy complications, developmental delays in children)
  • High Cholesterol Levels: (leading to cardiovascular issues)
  • Hormonal Imbalances: (disruption of endocrine function)
  • Hypertension During Pregnancy: (preeclampsia)
  • Reduced Vaccine Response: (diminished effectiveness of vaccines)
  • Kidney Disease: (chronic kidney disease and other renal issues)
  • Ulcerative Colitis: (chronic inflammatory bowel disease)

Why hire McCutcheon & Hamner to fight your PFAS injury case?

The Law Firm of McCutcheon & Hamner is dedicated to helping individuals who have suffered harm from PFAS chemical exposure recover the compensation they deserve. With their deep understanding of environmental law and toxic torts, the attorneys at McCutcheon & Hamner work tirelessly to hold accountable the companies responsible for contaminating local water supplies. They gather critical evidence, including medical records, scientific data, and expert testimonies, to build a strong case demonstrating the link between PFAS exposure and the injuries sustained by their clients.
McCutcheon & Hamner’s approach is client-focused, ensuring that each affected individual receives personalized attention and legal guidance throughout the process. They help clients navigate the complexities of these lawsuits, from filing claims to negotiating settlements or representing them in court. The firm aims to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering, as well as advocate for long-term medical monitoring and remediation efforts to ensure the community’s safety.
Furthermore, McCutcheon & Hamner is committed to achieving broader justice by advocating for regulatory changes and more stringent oversight of chemical companies to prevent future contamination. They work closely with environmental experts and community organizations to push for clean-up efforts and sustainable solutions that protect public health. By choosing McCutcheon & Hamner, clients are not only fighting for their rights but also contributing to a larger movement to safeguard their communities from the dangers of toxic chemical exposure.

Where Can I Find Out More Information About PFAS-Contaminated Water?

Individuals concerned about PFAS-contaminated water can find valuable information through several reliable sources. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides comprehensive details about PFAS contamination, health risks, and water quality standards on its website. State and local environmental agencies, such as the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM), also offer region-specific updates and testing results for areas affected by PFAS pollution. Community organizations and environmental advocacy groups, like the Environmental Working Group (EWG), provide interactive maps and databases to help residents identify contamination sites near them. Additionally, local water authorities and health departments often release annual water quality reports, including PFAS levels, and can provide guidance on what actions to take if contamination is detected. For those seeking legal advice or potential compensation, law firms like McCutcheon & Hamner can also offer insights and resources related to ongoing PFAS lawsuits and remediation efforts.

Do you think you or a loved one might have been injured by PFAS-contaminated water?
For Immediate Help Call Us At: (256) 242-5053

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Have You Been Diagnosed With Any Of The Following?
Where Were You Exposed To PFAS?
Brief Description of Your Symptoms

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